vscode vim 快捷键汇总

news/2024/7/21 13:26:43 标签: vscode, vim, ide


  1. 上下移动
  2. 按照 word 移动
  3. 选中增删改
  4. 查找字符/变量
  5. 移动、增加、复制、删除 行
  6. 选中多个相同的变量/字符
  7. 屏幕移动
  8. 增加多个光标
  9. 快速注释


🔢 hleft (also: CTRL-H, BS, or Left key)
🔢 lright (also: Space or Right key)
0to first character in the line (also: Home key)
^to first non-blank character in the line
🔢 $to the last character in the line (N-1 lines lower) (also: End key)
gmto middle of the screen line
🔢 |to column N (default: 1)
🔢 f{char}to the Nth occurrence of {char} to the right
🔢 kup N lines (also: CTRL-P and Up)
🔢 jdown N lines (also: CTRL-J, CTRL-N, NL, and Down)
🔢 -up N lines, on the first non-blank character
🔢 +down N lines, on the first non-blank character (also: CTRL-M and CR)
🔢 _down N-1 lines, on the first non-blank character
🔢 Ggoto line N (default: last line), on the first non-blank character
🔢 gggoto line N (default: first line), on the first non-blank character


🔢 wN words forward
🔢 WN blank-separated WORDs forward
🔢 eN words forward to the end of the Nth word
🔢 EN words forward to the end of the Nth blank-separated WORD
🔢 bN words backward
🔢 BN blank-separated WORDs backward
🔢 )N sentences forward
🔢 (N sentences backward
🔢 }N paragraphs forward
🔢 {N paragraphs backward


进入 insert mode 后就和之前的模式一样,快捷键有些是和原理的 vscode 一致,有些不一致。

visual mode

vstart highlighting characters or stop highlighting
Vstart highlighting linewise or stop highlighting
CTRL-Vstart highlighting blockwise or stop highlighting
oexchange cursor position with start of highlighting


🔢 xdelete N characters under and after the cursor
🔢 Deldelete N characters under and after the cursor
🔢 Xdelete N characters before the cursor
🔢 d{motion}delete the text that is moved over with {motion}
{visual}ddelete the highlighted text
🔢 dddelete N lines
🔢 Ddelete to the end of the line (and N-1 more lines)
(change = delete text and enter Insert mode)
🔢 c{motion}change the text that is moved over with {motion}
{visual}cchange the highlighted text
🔢 ccchange N lines
🔢 Schange N lines
🔢 Cchange to the end of the line (and N-1 more lines)
🔢 shhchange N characters


"{char}use register {char} for the next delete, yank, or put
"*use register * to access system clipboard
:regshow the contents of all registers
:reg{arg} show the contents of registers mentioned in {arg}
🔢 y{motion}yank the text moved over with {motion} into a register
{visual}yyank the highlighted text into a register
🔢 yyyank N lines into a register
🔢 Yyank N lines into a register
🔢 pput a register after the cursor position (N times)
🔢 Pput a register before the cursor position (N times)
🔢 ]plike p, but adjust indent to current line
🔢 [plike P, but adjust indent to current line
🔢 gplike p, but leave cursor after the new text
🔢 gPlike P, but leave cursor after the new text


🔢 aappend text after the cursor (N times)
🔢 Aappend text at the end of the line (N times)
🔢 iinsert text before the cursor (N times) (also: Insert)
🔢 Iinsert text before the first non-blank in the line (N times)
🔢 gIinsert text in column 1 (N times)
giinsert at the end of the last change
🔢 oopen a new line below the current line, append text (N times)
🔢 Oopen a new line above the current line, append text (N times)


🔢 /{pattern}[/[offset]]search forward for the Nth occurrence of {pattern} Currently we only support JavaScript Regex but not Vim’s in-house Regex engine.
🔢 ?{pattern}[?[offset]]search backward for the Nth occurrence of {pattern} Currently we only support JavaScript Regex but not Vim’s in-house Regex engine.
🔢 /repeat last search, in the forward direction {count} is not supported.
🔢 ?repeat last search, in the backward direction {count} is not supported.
🔢 nrepeat last search
🔢 Nrepeat last search, in opposite direction

移动、增加、复制、删除 行

insert mode
alt + shift up/down
insert mode
alt + up/down


CRTL +D选中目标
shift +a/i 防止 curcor 即可编辑全部目标


🔢 CTRL-Ewindow N lines downwards (default: 1)
🔢 CTRL-Dwindow N lines Downwards (default: 1/2 window)
🔢 CTRL-Ywindow N lines upwards (default: 1)
🔢 CTRL-Uwindow N lines Upwards (default: 1/2 window)


in Visual block mode:

Iinsert the same text in front of all the selected lines
Aappend the same text after all the selected lines

normal mode

alt + command + up / down
then i or a


command + /

切换 file

CTRL + 12345





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